The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) announced a national shutdown on 20 March 2023 to protest the continuous load shedding and highlight South Africa’s socio-economic issues. The country was brought to its knees by the protest.

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) led a national shutdown on 20 March 2023 to highlight South Africa’s socio-economic issues, including load shedding1. The country was brought to its knees by the protest2. According to Mcebo Dlamini, former Wits SRC President and #FeesMustFall leader, the protest was a success.

The EFF embarked on a national shutdown on 20 March 20231. The protest was held on the eve of the 63rd anniversary of the Sharpeville massacre1. According to Julius Malema, the EFF leader, the protest was a ‘Sharpeville-esque’ national shutdown. The EFF thanked the people of South Africa for heeding the call for the National Shutdown

The EFF was protesting against South Africa’s socio-economic issues, including load shedding.

Load shedding occurs frequently in South Africa as a result of the nation’s problems with its electrical supply. When there is more demand than there is supply for power, load shedding takes place. Load shedding has a negative impact on the economy, businesses, and people’s daily lives. It can lead to a loss of productivity, damage to electrical equipment, and even loss of life